Sad Sayings & Quotes

Somewhere on earth…I’ve got a soul mate

“Somewhere on earth…I’ve got a soul mate. He was made in heaven to fit me perfectly. He’d attend to my every need, he’d understand my emotions, and I would be happy. He’s in my life…we just aren’t ready for each other yet.

It’s no good. When someone leaves you

It’s no good. When someone leaves you, apart from missing them, apart from the fact that the whole little world you’ve created together collapses, and that everything you see or do reminds you of them

I feel that sometimes, nobody’s ever held me

I feel that sometimes, nobody’s ever held me down and forced me to cry or made me hug them, or got to the inside of me. It’s like I say, “oh I’m fine” and I walk away, and nobody has ever said “no, you’re not.”

All girls are filled with this hope

All girls are filled with this hope in their hearts that things are going to get better, that things are going to change. and maybe we’re ridiculous because of it, but it’s there all the same -Samantha Lee